
Relating to Penang

Why isn’t Penang under water by now?

The ridiculous U.N. global warming conference is coming up. So I’ll annoy anyone who believes the corporate media / government/ globalist / bought-and-paid-for scientists by posting the memes I have.

Trust the science

The narrative has warned that Sydney, New York and London will be under water by the year 2000. Which didn’t happen, so it became 2010. Which didn’t happen, so it became 2020. Which didn’t happen. Maybe it’s 2030 now, I don’t know. That would also mean coastal Penang would be under water.

Here’s Greta…

While I’m featuring Greta, here’s another.

I’m stunned they’ve managed to keep this narrative going so long. Apparently it’s a climate emergency right now. Which makes their narrative even more obviously false.

As far as I know WordPress is not censoring content.

Once they retire some of them start to tell the truth.

Sometimes politicians do, too.

Well, look at that!

So why is so much more damage done by hurricanes and other weather now than say 50 years ago. The weather isn’t more severe. It’s just that the number of people on earth and the value of property has greatly increased.

Science by definition is not settled. It’s an ongoing process.

Which leads to…

Plenty of material for decades – also in UN documentation.

Life on earth is carbon based. The globalists don’t even bother saying CO2 anymore – they want to reduce carbon. And now Nitrogen – which being used in fertilizers means they are reducing the food supply.

Funny how government thinks a tax will “solve” almost any problem.

Well, what can I say?


Me too. Watched this failed narrative go on for decades. If you want to know what’s true, read all sides of an issue, consider who benefits from holding such an opinion, and bear in mind the following. And check on Operation Mockingbird, one of the programmes implementing this.

That’s used most of my photos on the subject. But I’ve got more on EV’s. Electric Vanquishing (of environment).

If anything, Penang where I live is getting a bit cooler every year. Which is quite pleasant.

Still lots of visitors to this page!

Years ago I bought the domain and mostly published there – mainly neglecting this site, where I just reposted a few from my main site.

When, er, restrictions on what you can write was restarted in 2020 I basically abandoned both that blog and this.

Then this afternoon while managing emails I receive, I notice this site still receives visitors!

Should anyone want me to write or comment on anything please let me know by leaving a reply below. If I can, I will, subject to the aforementioned limitations.

about two years after my last post

Summer Solstice in Penang


The summer solstice 2020 in Penang was June 20th. So, the longest day of the year. I took photos from the beach on the 20th and 21st, both of which had beautiful dawns.  The difference in between the sunrise for the winter and the summer solstices is about 75 degrees.

Shopping unmasked

OMG. Unmasked shopping! Shock horror!

Why? The narrative is falling to bits.  It’s over.

I walked into the mall, and then into the supermarket.  No one arrested me.  No one scowled at me. No one complained. I cheerfully said, “Good morning”, and they reciprocated. As did all the other staff I communicated with.